Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What begins as a new journey...

I have no better title for this entry. Haha. But well, It's 1st March 2006 and the 3 of us have been staying together since 16th February 2006. That's the day Wage and I returned back to Melbourne. May Ying, on the other hand, was already back in Melbourne. =)

To sum up the long stories of what has been happening, let's just put it as the first week was an extremely busy one for us. And on 18th February, Wage bought a Pure Border Collie. It's an adorable little thing. =) I named him Louis. After the big brand name, Louis Vuitton. Haha! To think that I actually thought that all the brand name naming of animals would stop after Hugo. But I guess it just doesn't stop there.

Anyway, we finally got all our phone lines sorted out, plus the gas stove fixed (cuz' it screwed up after a few days of usage and Wage was the one using it when it screwed up). Oh yes, we after much travelling around Melbourne, we got our major (basic) appliances and most of our room furniture. Hee~

Ah yes... we even had PZ and Christine visiting already. Haha~ PZ even had the chance to stay over. LoL~ And, we also managed to squeeze in the time for a steamboat dinner. Power right? LoL~

Right now, it's mainly school and waiting for the high speed internet to be activated for us. =P After which, I'll definitely upload pics of Louis. He's a rascal.

Oh yes, in case you're wondering, why is the blog called anightmareonarnottstreet, the nightmare we're referring to is actually Louis. And that's why is 2 girls, 1 Guy and A Nightmare. Hahaha!~ It's interesting right?

That's about it from me. At least for now. =)


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